72 hours of magic


72 hours of magical moments with incredible people of CEO's, founders and change-makers – Kinnernet Lisbon was epic. Besides delivering an ignite keynote speech on how to design a people and purpose-centric business culture and a workshop on ‘Peaking Performance,’ I also had the opportunity to pay-it-forward with 12 sessions and have countless of insightful conversations with some truly remarkable people.

Kinnernet is not your typical conference. It’s an immersive experience in beautiful environments. This was the fourth year in the row I had the opportunity to be part of it. This year included seeing Nazare with the famous surf spot from a speed boat, enjoying food from all over the world, sharing profound personal stories, enjoying fun performances and much more.

Thank you all for making it so special and a big thank you to Yossi, Limor, Patrick and crew for bringing us all together.