How are You Designing a People and Purpose-Centric Company Culture?
Culture determines success.
There are many highlights from last year. One project, in particular, that stands out, was working with a fast-growing series-A startup in helping them create a cultural foundation quickly. The founders were committed to scaling a people and purpose-centric culture, so before doubling their workforce in a short period of time, they wanted to ensure that they had the foundation to make it happen. To help them build a strong cultural foundation and align the team around one culture all committed to the same vision, we delivered three workshops, one off-site, and eight executive coaching sessions all within 10 days.
How is your company ensuring a thriving culture so you can attract and retain high performing individuals in your business?
Curious to learn more about how we could help your company to design and scale a people and purpose-centric culture? Feel free to reach out directly to therese (at) or check out this page to deep-dive into the different ways we deliver impact.